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Noxious, Industrial and Invasive Weed Management

- BC Hydro Pest Management Herbicide field trials.  Pesticide Use Plans and permitting for over 500 facilities including dams, electrical substations, storage yards, and Rights-of-Way and transmission lines.  Brochure development for homeowners and technical guidelines for use by in-house vegetation management technicians and contractors.  Developed a flow chart and protocol to assist with the selection site-specific vegetation management prescriptions using the least toxic, least persistent and most effective herbicides.  Corporate Standards development covering vegetation management practices, pruning, wood pole test and treat.


- Northern BC and Columbia Shuswap Regional Districts  Noxious weed inspection programs.  Brochure design, public education, field inspections, notifications and compliance monitoring.


- BC Rail, CN Rail and Southern Railway  Developed Pesticide Use Policies covering railway ballast and Rights-of-Way vegetation management programs.


- Russell Dumoulin /CN Rail  Expert witness and educator to council in defense of pesticide use plan for railway ballast vegetation control program, central BC.


- City of Vancouver Pesticide Use Policy development based on a city-wide survey of pests and current practices.  Recommended best management practices that are still in use today.


- BC Ministry of Environment Gypsy moth treatment programs.  Program co-ordination, treatment supervision, contractor monitoring.  Courtney, Hope, Burnaby.


- BC Ministry of Environment Environmental and permit compliance monitoring of several hundred forest silviculture program site prescriptions, planting and silviculture plans, conifer release (herbicide) programs, field operations and contractor certification and safety.


- BC Ministry of Environment nuisance bird control programs - inspections of contractor practices and reported efficacy.  Various government buildings, shopping malls, restaurant and pub outdoor patios


- BC Ministry of Environment pine beetle-infested tree surveys in Manning park


- BC Ministry of Environment represented the BCMOE at an Environmental Appeal Board Hearing re: proposed silviculture and conifer release programs, Chilliwack River/Tamihi Creek area.  Expert witness.


- BC Ministry of Environment conducted an inquiry into Aerial Pesticide Applications on Agricultural Lands in the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley.  Created 15 Operational Restrictions.  Nine were adopted as procedure by the the Province for agricultural, aerial pesticide applications.


- BC Landscape and Nursery Association Gypsy moth control program Delta BC. Environmental and contractor compliance.  Monitoring of ground-based applications, avoidance and treatment buffer compliance.


- Regional District of Kootenay Boundary  Eurasion Water Miilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) Control Program, Christina Lake.  Audit of program operations, long term planning, achievement of goals.  Objectives of the audit involved literature review and assessment of operations, methods and measured success as compared to similar programs.  Field review of operations and recommendations for a quantitative methodology and strategic plan for control operations and efficacy determinations.


- BC Blueberry Growers Co-operative Aerial applications of a newly registered fungicide (Funginex) product to control mummy berry infestations.  Farmer and government agency liaison, aircraft calibration and pilot supervision, record keeping and reporting to BCMOE.




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