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Environmental Monitoring and Research

- City of Surrey Urban Forestry - Development of a variety of habitat monitoring protocols and a checklist/data collection form for use by various city parks personnel to assess biological attributes of park habitat.  This process allowed natural/forest and passive parks to quantified and  compared using a standardized assessment protocol.  Allowed parks to be ranked based on their value as wildlife habitats and opportunities for enhancement, protection, conservation and potential mitigation


- Canadian Forest Products Port Mellon, BC and Sultran, Port Moody, BC:  Freshwater and marine benthic, invertebrate, and meiofauna monitoring.  Zone of influence for thermal discharge into Howe Sound, ocean dumping permitting.


- Canadian Occidental Petroleum (formerly FMC of Canada Ltd., formerly Nexen), Squamish, BC: Routine annual monitoring of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) populations, Howe Sound and Indian Arm. Site successfully decommissioned.  Co-recipient of BCMOE Environmental Achievement Award.


Canadian Environmental Protection Service and District of Mackenzie  Monitoring relative abundance and diversity of select invertebrates with an emphasis on Baetidae and Chironomidae taxa.  Morfee and Chichouyenily Creeks.


- Abbott Laboratoties Ltd and Corporation of Delta Invertebrate monitoring, Aedes dorsalis.  Study design, implementation statistical analysis and reporting.



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